Professor Simon Guy
Pro-Vice-Chancellor Global, Lancaster University

Professor Simon Guy has been Pro-Vice-Chancellor Global (Digital, International, Sustainability, Development) at Lancaster University since summer 2019. Prior to this, he was Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) at Lancaster University from October 2014 and in 2017-18 was seconded as Interim Principal/CEO for University Academy 92. 
Simon was previously Head of the School of Environment, Education and Development and founding Director of the Manchester Architecture Research Centre at the University of Manchester, and before that Dean of Research in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Newcastle.

Simon began his career as a BBC engineer, before beginning his academic life pursuing studies in the humanities and social sciences, followed by a research career which has focused upon sustainable urbanism, where his interdisciplinary and international research connects architecture with urban planning, the property sector with utilities, academia with industry.

Simon has published around sixty refereed articles, over thirty book chapters and six books. He has been responsible for around £4.5 million of research income from a variety of sources including RCUK, European and Industry. He has established links with academics in North America, Asia and Europe and has held research fellowships in Tokyo, Paris, Berlin, Graz, Leuven, California and Singapore.